Source code for okera.odas

# Copyright 2017 Okera Inc.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import okera
import datetime
import os
import random
import pytz

# TODO: we need to add this to the install dependencies
import certifi
import urllib3
import xml.dom.minidom

from decimal import Context, Decimal
from collections import OrderedDict
from okera._util import get_logger_and_init_null
from okera._thrift_api import (
    TGetDatabasesParams, TGetRegisteredObjectsParams, TGetTablesParams, TNetworkAddress,
    TPlanRequestParams, TRequestType,
    TExecDDLParams, TExecTaskParams, TFetchParams, TListFilesOp, TListFilesParams,
    TRecordServiceException, TRecordFormat, TTypeId,
    OkeraRecordServicePlanner, RecordServiceWorker)
from okera._thrift_util import (
    create_socket, get_transport, TTransportException, TBinaryProtocol,
from .concurrency import (BaseBackgroundTask,

_log = get_logger_and_init_null(__name__)

""" Context for this user session."""
[docs]class OkeraContext(): def __init__(self, application_name, tz=pytz.utc): _log.debug('Creating okera context') self.__auth = None self.__service_name = None self.__token = None self.__host_override = None self.__user = None self.__name = application_name self.__configure() self.__tz = tz
[docs] def enable_kerberos(self, service_name, host_override=None): """Enable kerberos based authentication. Parameters ---------- service_name : str Authenticate to a particular `okera` service principal. This is typically the first part of the 3-part service principal (SERVICE_NAME/HOST@REALM). host_override : str, optional If set, the HOST portion of the server's service principal. If not set, then this is the resolved DNS name of the service being connected to. Returns ------- OkeraContext Returns this object. """ if not service_name: raise ValueError("Service name must be specified.") self.__auth = 'GSSAPI' self.__service_name = service_name self.__host_override = host_override self.__user = None _log.debug('Enabled kerberos') return self
[docs] def enable_token_auth(self, token_str=None, token_file=None): """Enables token based authentication. Parameters ---------- token_str : str, optional Authentication token to use. token_file : str, optional File containing token to use. Returns ------- OkeraContext Returns this object. """ if not token_str and not token_file: raise ValueError("Must specify token_str or token_file") if token_str and token_file: raise ValueError("Cannot specify both token_str token_file") if token_file: with open(os.path.expanduser(token_file), 'r') as t: token_str = self.__configure_token(token_str.strip()) _log.debug('Enabled token auth') return self
[docs] def disable_auth(self): """ Disables authentication. Returns ------- OkeraContext Returns this object. """ self.__auth = None self.__token = None self.__service_name = None self.__host_override = None self.__user = None _log.debug('Disabled auth') return self
[docs] def get_auth(self): """ Returns the configured auth mechanism. None if no auth is enabled.""" return self.__auth
[docs] def get_token(self): """ Returns the token string. Note that logging this should be done with care.""" return self.__token
[docs] def get_name(self): """ Returns name of this application. This is recorded for diagnostics on the server. """ return self.__name
def _get_user(self): """ Returns the user name. This is ignored if authentication is enabled. """ return self.__user
[docs] def get_timezone(self): return self.__tz
[docs] def connect(self, host='localhost', port=12050, timeout=None): """Get a connection to an ODAS cluster. This connects to the planner service. Parameters ---------- host : str or list of hostnames The hostname for the planner. If a list is specified, picks a planner at random. port : int, optional The port number for the planner. The default is 12050. timeout : int, optional Connection timeout in seconds. Default is no timeout. Returns ------- PlannerConnection Handle to a connection. Users should call `close()` when done. """ host, port = self.__pick_host(host, port) # Convert from user names to underlying transport names auth_mechanism = self.__get_auth() _log.debug('Connecting to planner %s:%s with %s authentication ' 'mechanism', host, port, auth_mechanism) sock = create_socket(host, port, timeout, False, None) transport = None try: transport = get_transport(sock, host, auth_mechanism, self.__service_name, None, None, self.__token, self.__host_override) protocol = TBinaryProtocol(transport) service = _ThriftService(PlannerClient(OkeraRecordServicePlanner, protocol)) planner = PlannerConnection(service, self) planner.set_application(self.__name) return planner except (TTransportException, IOError) as e: sock.close() if transport: transport.close() self.__handle_transport_exception(e) raise e except: sock.close() if transport: transport.close() raise
[docs] def connect_worker(self, host='localhost', port=13050, timeout=None): """Get a connection to ODAS worker. Most users should not need to call this API directly. Parameters ---------- host : str or list of hostnames The hostname for the worker. If a list is specified, picks a worker at random. port : int, optional The port number for the worker. The default is 13050. timeout : int, optional Connection timeout in seconds. Default is no timeout. Returns ------- WorkerConnection Handle to a worker connection. Users must call `close()` when done. """ return self._connect_worker(host, port, timeout=timeout)
def _connect_worker(self, host, port, timeout=None, options=None): host, port = self.__pick_host(host, port, options) auth_mechanism = self.__get_auth() _log.debug('Connecting to worker %s:%s with %s authentication ' 'mechanism', host, port, auth_mechanism) sock = create_socket(host, port, timeout, False, None) transport = None try: transport = get_transport(sock, host, auth_mechanism, self.__service_name, None, None, self.__token, self.__host_override) protocol = TBinaryProtocol(transport) service = _ThriftService(WorkerClient(RecordServiceWorker, protocol)) worker = WorkerConnection(service, self) worker.set_application(self.__name) return worker except (TTransportException, IOError) as e: sock.close() if transport: transport.close() self.__handle_transport_exception(e) raise e except: sock.close() if transport: transport.close() raise @staticmethod def __pick_host(host, port, options=None): """ Returns a host, port from the input. host can be a string or a list of strings. If it is a list, a host is picked from the list. If the host string contains the port that port is used, otherwise, the port argument is used. """ if not host: raise ValueError("host must be specified") if isinstance(host, list): chosen_host = host[0] if isinstance(chosen_host, TNetworkAddress): # With this option, we want to pin a host instead of picking a random one. if options and 'PIN_HOST' in options: host.sort(key = lambda v: v.hostname) chosen_host = host[0] else: chosen_host = random.choice(host) host = chosen_host.hostname port = chosen_host.port elif isinstance(chosen_host, str): if options and 'PIN_HOST' in options: host.sort() host = host[0] else: host = random.choice(host) host = chosen_host else: raise ValueError("host list must be TNetworkAddress objects or strings.") if isinstance(host, str): parts = host.split(':') if len(parts) == 2: host = parts[0] port = int(parts[1]) elif len(parts) == 1: host = parts[0] if port is None: raise ValueError("port must be specified") else: raise ValueError("Invalid host: %s " % host) else: raise ValueError("Invalid host: %s" % host) return host, port def __configure(self): """ Configures the context based on system wide settings""" home = os.path.expanduser("~") token_file = os.path.join(home, '.cerebro', 'token') if os.path.exists(token_file): # TODO: we could catch this exception and go on but having this file be # messed up here is likely something to fix ASAP. with open(token_file, 'r') as t: self.__configure_token("Configured token auth with token in home directory.") def __configure_token(self, token): # Valid authentication tokens contain '.' in them, either an Okera token or a JWT # token. For API convenience, we use the token value to mean user (plain text) # when run against unauthenticated servers. if '.' in token: self.__token = token self.__auth = 'TOKEN' self.__service_name = 'cerebro' self.__user = None else: self.__token = None self.__auth = None self.__user = token self.__host_override = None def __handle_transport_exception(self, e): """ Maps transport layer exceptions to better user facing ones. """ if self.__auth and e.message == SOCKET_READ_ZERO: e.message = "Server did not respond to authentication handshake. " + \ "Ensure server has authentication enabled." elif not self.__auth and e.message == SOCKET_READ_ZERO: e.message = "Client does not have authentication enabled but it appears " + \ "the server does. Enable client authentication." elif self.__auth == 'GSSAPI' and KERBEROS_NOT_ENABLED_MSG in e.message: e.message = "Client is authenticating with kerberos but kerberos is not " + \ "enabled on the server." raise e def __get_auth(self): """ Canonicalizes user facing auth names to transport layer ones """ auth_mechanism = self.__auth if not auth_mechanism: auth_mechanism = 'NOSASL' if auth_mechanism == 'TOKEN': auth_mechanism = 'DIGEST-MD5' return auth_mechanism
class _ThriftService(): """ Wrapper around a thrift service client object """ def __init__(self, thrift_client, retries=3): self.client = thrift_client self.retries = retries def close(self): # pylint: disable=protected-access _log.debug('close_service: client=%s', self.client) self.client._iprot.trans.close() def reconnect(self): # pylint: disable=protected-access _log.debug('reconnect: client=%s', self.client) self.client._iprot.trans.close()
[docs]class PlannerConnection(): """A connection to an ODAS planner. """ def __init__(self, thrift_service, ctx): self.service = thrift_service self.ctx = ctx self.http_pool = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs='CERT_REQUIRED', ca_certs=certifi.where()) _log.debug('PlannerConnection(service=%s)', self.service) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): """Close the session and server connection.""" _log.debug('Closing Planner connection') self.service.close()
def _reconnect(self): self.service.reconnect() def _underlying_client(self): """ Returns the underlying thrift client. Exposed for internal use. """ return self.service.client
[docs] def get_protocol_version(self): """Returns the RPC API version of the server.""" return self.service.client.GetProtocolVersion()
[docs] def set_application(self, name): """Sets the name of this session. Used for logging purposes on the server.""" self.service.client.SetApplication(name)
[docs] def ls(self, path): """ Lists the files in this directory Parameters ---------- path : str The path to list. Returns ------- list(str) List of files located at this path. """ if not path: raise ValueError("path must be specified.") params = TListFilesParams() params.op = TListFilesOp.LIST params.object = path if self.ctx._get_user(): params.requesting_user = self.ctx._get_user() return self.service.client.ListFiles(params).files
[docs] def open(self, path, preload_content=True, version=None): """ Returns the object at this path as a byte stream Parameters ---------- path : str The path to the file to open. Returns ------- object Returns an object that behaves like an opened urllib3 stream. """ if not path: raise ValueError("path must be specified.") params = TListFilesParams() params.op = TListFilesOp.READ params.object = path params.version_id = version if self.ctx._get_user(): params.requesting_user = self.ctx._get_user() try: urls = self.service.client.ListFiles(params).files if urls and len(urls) != 1: raise ValueError( "Unexpected result from server. Expecting at most one url.") return self.http_pool.request('GET', urls[0], preload_content=preload_content) except TRecordServiceException as ex: if not ex.detail.startswith('AuthorizationException'): raise ex # This request (for the path) failed with an authorization exception, # meaning this user does not have full access to the path. Try to see # if this user has access to a table over this path. objs = self.get_catalog_objects_at(path, True) if not objs or path not in objs: raise ex for obj in objs[path]: if '.' in obj: return OkeraFsStream(self, obj) # No object found, raise original exception raise ex
[docs] def cat(self, path, as_utf8=True): """ Returns the object at this path as a string Parameters ---------- path : str The path to the file to read. as_utf8 : bool If true, convert the returned data as a utf-8 string (instead of binary) Returns ------- str Returns the contents at the path as a string. """ result = if result.status != 200: if 'Content-Type' in result.headers: if result.headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/xml': msg ='utf-8').replace('\n', '') tree = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(msg).toprettyxml(indent=' ') raise ValueError("Could not read from path: %s\n\n%s" % (path, tree)) raise ValueError("Could not read from path: %d" % result.status) if not if as_utf8: return b"" return "" # Check the types to avoid some double serialization if isinstance(, str): if as_utf8: # Both UTF-8 if'\n'): return[:-1] return else: if'\n'): return[:-1].encode('utf-8') return'utf-8') # Result is binary if'\n'): if as_utf8: return[:-1].decode('utf-8') return[:-1] if as_utf8: return'utf-8') else: return
[docs] def get_catalog_objects_at(self, path_prefix, include_views=False): """ Returns the objects (databases or datasets) thats registered with this prefix path. Parameters ---------- path_prefix : str The path prefix to look up objects defined with this prefix. include_views : bool If true, also return views at this path. Returns ------- map(str, list(str)) For each path with a catalog objects, the list of objects located at that path. Empty map if there are none. """ if not path_prefix: raise ValueError("path_prefix must be specified.") params = TGetRegisteredObjectsParams() params.prefix_path = path_prefix params.include_views = include_views if self.ctx._get_user(): params.requesting_user = self.ctx._get_user() return self.service.client.GetRegisteredObjects(params).object_names
[docs] def list_databases(self): """Lists all the databases in the catalog Returns ------- list(str) List of database names. Examples -------- >>> import okera >>> ctx = okera.context() >>> with ctx.connect(host = 'localhost', port = 12050) as conn: ... dbs = conn.list_databases() ... 'okera_sample' in dbs True """ request = TGetDatabasesParams() if self.ctx._get_user(): request.requesting_user = self.ctx._get_user() result = self.service.client.GetDatabases(request) dbs = [] for db in result.databases: dbs.append([0]) return dbs
[docs] def list_dataset_names(self, db, filter=None): """ Returns the names of the datasets in this db Parameters ---------- db : str Name of database to return datasets in. filter : str, optional Substring filter on names to of datasets to return. Returns ------- list(str) List of dataset names. Examples -------- >>> import okera >>> ctx = okera.context() >>> with ctx.connect(host = 'localhost', port = 12050) as conn: ... datasets = conn.list_dataset_names('okera_sample') ... datasets ['okera_sample.sample', 'okera_sample.users', 'okera_sample.users_ccn_masked', 'okera_sample.whoami'] """ request = TGetTablesParams() request.database = [db] request.filter = filter if self.ctx._get_user(): request.requesting_user = self.ctx._get_user() tables = self.service.client.GetTables(request).tables result = [] for t in tables: result.append(db + '.' + return result
[docs] def list_datasets(self, db, filter=None): """ Returns the datasets in this db Parameters ---------- db : str Name of database to return datasets in. filter : str, optional Substring filter on names to of datasets to return. Returns ------- obj Thrift dataset objects. Note ------- This API is subject to change and the returned object may not be backwards compatible. """ request = TGetTablesParams() request.database = [db] request.filter = filter if self.ctx._get_user(): request.requesting_user = self.ctx._get_user() tables = self.service.client.GetTables(request) return tables
[docs] def plan(self, request, max_task_count=None, requesting_user=None): """ Plans the request to read from CDAS Parameters ---------- request : str, required Name of dataset or SQL statement to plan scan for. requesting_user : str, optional Name of user to request plan for, if different from the current user. Returns ------- object Thrift serialized plan object. Note ------- This API is subject to change and the returned object may not be backwards compatible. """ if not request: raise ValueError("request must be specified.") params = TPlanRequestParams() params.request_type = TRequestType.Sql if max_task_count: params.max_tasks = max_task_count if requesting_user: params.requesting_user = requesting_user elif self.ctx._get_user(): params.requesting_user = self.ctx._get_user() request = request.strip() if request.lower().startswith('select '): _log.debug('Planning request for query: %s', request) params.sql_stmt = request else: _log.debug('Planning request to read dataset: %s', request) params.sql_stmt = "SELECT * FROM " + request plan = self.service.client.PlanRequest(params) _log.debug('Plan complete. Number of tasks: %d', len(plan.tasks)) return plan
[docs] def execute_ddl(self, sql): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """ Execute a DDL statement against the server. Parameters ---------- sql : str DDL statement to run Returns ------- list(list(str)) Returns the result as a table. Examples -------- >>> import okera >>> ctx = okera.context() >>> with ctx.connect(host = 'localhost', port = 12050) as conn: ... result = conn.execute_ddl('describe okera_sample.users') ... result [['uid', 'string', 'Unique user id'], ['dob', 'string', 'Formatted as DD-month-YY'], ['gender', 'string', ''], ['ccn', 'string', 'Sensitive data, should not be accessible without masking.']] """ # pylint: enable=line-too-long if not sql: raise ValueError("Must specify sql string to execute_ddl") request = TExecDDLParams() request.ddl = sql if self.ctx._get_user(): request.requesting_user = self.ctx._get_user() response = self.service.client.ExecuteDDL2(request) return response.tabular_result
[docs] def execute_ddl_table_output(self, sql): """ Execute a DDL statement against the server. Parameters ---------- sql : str DDL statement to run Returns ------- PrettyTable Returns the result as a table object. Examples -------- >>> import okera >>> ctx = okera.context() >>> with ctx.connect(host = 'localhost', port = 12050) as conn: ... result = conn.execute_ddl_table_output('describe okera_sample.users') ... print(result) +--------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | name | type | comment | +--------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | uid | string | Unique user id | | dob | string | Formatted as DD-month-YY | | gender | string | | | ccn | string | Sensitive data, should not be accessible without masking. | +--------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ """ from prettytable import PrettyTable if not sql: raise ValueError("Must specify sql string to execute_ddl") request = TExecDDLParams() request.ddl = sql if self.ctx._get_user(): request.requesting_user = self.ctx._get_user() response = self.service.client.ExecuteDDL2(request) if not response.col_names: return None t = PrettyTable(response.col_names) for row in response.tabular_result: t.add_row(row) return t
[docs] def scan_as_pandas(self, request, max_records=None, max_client_process_count=default_max_client_process_count(), max_task_count=None, requesting_user=None, options=None, ignore_errors=False, warnings=None, strings_as_utf8=False): """Scans data, returning the result for pandas. Parameters ---------- request : string, required Name of dataset or SQL statement to scan. max_records : int, optional Maximum number of records to return. Default is unlimited. options : dictionary, optional Optional key/value configs to specify to the request. Note that these options are not guaranteed to be backwards compatible. warnings : list(string), optional If not None, will be populated with any warnings generated for request. Returns ------- pandas DataFrame Data returned as a pandas DataFrame object Examples -------- >>> import okera >>> ctx = okera.context() >>> with ctx.connect(host = 'localhost', port = 12050) as conn: ... pd = conn.scan_as_pandas('select * from okera_sample.sample') ... print(pd) record 0 b'This is a sample test file.' 1 b'It should consist of two lines.' """ import pandas plan = self.plan(request, max_task_count=max_task_count, requesting_user=requesting_user) self._ensure_serialization_support(plan) # Return any warnings if the user is interested if warnings is not None and plan.warnings: for warning in plan.warnings: warnings.append(warning.message) concurrency_ctl = self._get_concurrency_controller_for_plan( plan, max_client_process_count) for task in plan.tasks: _log.debug('Executing task %s', str(task.task_id)) concurrency_ctl.enqueueTask(PandasScanTask(self.ctx, plan.hosts, task, max_records, options, strings_as_utf8)) result_list = self._start_and_wait_for_results(concurrency_ctl, len(plan.tasks), limit=max_records, is_pandas=True, ignore_errors=ignore_errors) if not result_list: col_names = [] for col in plan.schema.cols: col_names.append( return pandas.DataFrame(columns=col_names) else: return pandas.concat(result_list).head(max_records)
[docs] def scan_as_json(self, request, max_records=None, warnings=None, max_client_process_count=default_max_client_process_count(), max_task_count=None, requesting_user=None, ignore_errors=False): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """Scans data, returning the result in json format. Parameters ---------- request : string, required Name of dataset or SQL statement to scan. max_records : int, optional Maximum number of records to return. Default is unlimited. warnings : list(string), optional If not None, will be populated with any warnings generated for request. Returns ------- list(obj) Data returned as a list of JSON objects Examples -------- >>> import okera >>> ctx = okera.context() >>> with ctx.connect(host = 'localhost', port = 12050) as conn: ... data = conn.scan_as_json('okera_sample.sample') ... data [{'record': 'This is a sample test file.'}, {'record': 'It should consist of two lines.'}] """ # pylint: enable=line-too-long plan = self.plan(request, max_task_count=max_task_count, requesting_user=requesting_user) self._ensure_serialization_support(plan) concurrency_ctl = self._get_concurrency_controller_for_plan( plan, max_client_process_count) # Return any warnings if the user is interested if warnings is not None and plan.warnings: for warning in plan.warnings: warnings.append(warning.message) if len(plan.tasks) <= 0: return [] for task in plan.tasks: _log.debug('Executing task %s', str(task.task_id)) concurrency_ctl.enqueueTask(JsonScanTask(self.ctx, plan.hosts, task, max_records)) res = self._start_and_wait_for_results(concurrency_ctl, len(plan.tasks), limit=max_records, ignore_errors=ignore_errors) if max_records is not None: return res[:max_records] return res
@staticmethod def _get_concurrency_controller_for_plan(plan, max_client_process_count): worker_count = min(max_client_process_count, len(plan.tasks)) return ConcurrencyController(worker_count=worker_count) @staticmethod def _calculate_limit(current_limit, results, is_pandas): if current_limit is None: return None if is_pandas: if len(results) == 0: return current_limit return max(current_limit-len(results[0].index), 0) return max(current_limit-len(results), 0) @staticmethod def _start_and_wait_for_results(concurrency_ctl, task_count, limit=None, is_pandas=False, ignore_errors=False): results = [] if not task_count: return results try: task_result_count = 0 is_completed = False # We're setting the limit value into a shared dict that is handed # to all async tasks. The main thread (this function) is responsible # for updating the value as records are received. The async tasks # will read this `limit` value from the dict and pass it as the # `max_records` param to the worker. As records are received in the # main thread, the `limit` value will decrease until it is zero, at # which point the remaining async tasks will immediately return # with empty results. concurrency_ctl.metrics_dict['limit'] = limit # All default values need to be set prior to calling start(). This is # because there will be a delay when setting any shared value between # processes because the values are cached in each process. concurrency_ctl.start() while not is_completed: res = concurrency_ctl.output_queue.get() if res is not None: task_result_count += 1 limit = PlannerConnection._calculate_limit(limit, res, is_pandas) results.extend(res) if task_result_count == task_count: is_completed = True concurrency_ctl.metrics_dict['limit'] = limit if not ignore_errors and concurrency_ctl.errors_queue.qsize(): print('One or more errors occurred while processing this query:') while concurrency_ctl.errors_queue.qsize(): err = concurrency_ctl.errors_queue.get() print('{0}'.format(err)) raise err finally: concurrency_ctl.stop() return results @staticmethod def _ensure_serialization_support(plan): if not plan.supported_result_formats or \ TRecordFormat.ColumnarNumPy not in plan.supported_result_formats: raise IOError("PyOkera requires the server to support the " + "`ColumnarNumPy` serialization format. Please upgrade the " + "server to at least 0.8.1.")
[docs]class WorkerConnection(): """A connection to a CDAS worker. """ def __init__(self, thrift_service, ctx): self.service = thrift_service self.ctx = ctx _log.debug('WorkerConnection(service=%s)', self.service) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): """Close the session and server connection.""" _log.debug('Closing Worker connection') self.service.close()
def _reconnect(self): self.service.reconnect()
[docs] def get_protocol_version(self): """Returns the RPC API version of the server.""" return self.service.client.GetProtocolVersion()
[docs] def set_application(self, name): """Sets the name of this session. Used for logging purposes on the server.""" self.service.client.SetApplication(name)
[docs] def exec_task(self, task, max_records=None): """ Executes a task to begin scanning records. Parameters ---------- task : obj Description of task. This is the result from the planner's plan() call. max_records: int, optional Maximum number of records to return for this task. Default is unlimited. Returns ------- object Handle for this task. Used in subsequent API calls. object Schema for records returned from this task. """ request = TExecTaskParams() request.task = task.task request.limit = max_records request.fetch_size = 20000 request.record_format = TRecordFormat.ColumnarNumPy result = self.service.client.ExecTask(request) return result.handle, result.schema
[docs] def close_task(self, handle): """ Closes the task. """ self.service.client.CloseTask(handle)
[docs] def fetch(self, handle): """ Fetch the next batch of records for this task. """ request = TFetchParams() request.handle = handle return self.service.client.Fetch(request)
def _columnar_batch_to_python(schema, columnar_records, num_records, ctx_tz=pytz.utc, strings_as_utf8=False): # Issues with numpy, thrift and this function being perf optimized # pylint: disable=no-member # pylint: disable=protected-access # pylint: disable=too-many-locals import numpy cols = columnar_records.cols # Things we will return. col_names = [] # Checks if any of the values in this batch are null. Handling NULL can be # noticeably slower, so skip it in bulk if possible. any_nulls = [] is_nulls = [None] * len(cols) data = [None] * len(cols) # For each column seen, the index to append to it. Empty means nothing to append. # The planner does not need to generate unique column names in all cases. e.g. # 'select c1, c1 from t' will generate two columns called 'c1'. We need to dedup # here as we put the columns in a dictionary. # In this case we will name the second "c1_2" col_names_dedup = {} # Go over each column and convert the binary data to python objects. This is very # perf sensitive. for col in range(0, len(cols)): buf = cols[col].data if isinstance(buf, str): buf = buf.encode() name = schema.cols[col].name if name not in col_names_dedup: col_names_dedup[name] = 2 else: # Keep resolving to dedup while name in col_names_dedup: idx = col_names_dedup[name] col_names_dedup[name] = idx + 1 name += '_' + str(idx) col_names.append(name) is_null = numpy.frombuffer(cols[col].is_null.encode(), dtype=numpy.bool) any_nulls.append(numpy.any(is_null)) is_nulls[col] = is_null t = schema.cols[col].type.type_id if t == TTypeId.STRING or t == TTypeId.VARCHAR: off = 4 * num_records column = [numpy.nan] * num_records lens = numpy.frombuffer(buf[0: off], dtype=numpy.int32) if any_nulls[col]: for i in range(0, num_records): if not is_null[i]: length = lens[i] column[i] = buf[off:off + length] if strings_as_utf8: column[i] = column[i].decode('utf-8') off += length else: for i in range(0, num_records): length = lens[i] column[i] = buf[off:off + length] if strings_as_utf8: column[i] = column[i].decode('utf-8') off += length if strings_as_utf8: data[col] = column else: data[col] = numpy.array(column, dtype=object) elif t == TTypeId.CHAR: off = 0 column = [numpy.nan] * num_records length = schema.cols[col].type.len if any_nulls[col]: for i in range(0, num_records): if not is_null[i]: column[i] = buf[off:off + length] off += length else: for i in range(0, num_records): column[i] = buf[off:off + length] off += length if strings_as_utf8: data[col] = ''.join(column) else: data[col] = numpy.array(column, dtype=object) elif t == TTypeId.BOOLEAN: data[col] = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.bool) elif t == TTypeId.TINYINT: data[col] = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.int8) elif t == TTypeId.SMALLINT: data[col] = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.int16) elif t == TTypeId.INT: data[col] = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.int32) elif t == TTypeId.BIGINT: data[col] = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.int64) elif t == TTypeId.FLOAT: data[col] = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.float32) elif t == TTypeId.DOUBLE: data[col] = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.float64) elif t == TTypeId.TIMESTAMP_NANOS: dt = numpy.dtype([('millis', numpy.int64), ('nanos', numpy.int32)]) values = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=dt) millis = values['millis'] column = [numpy.nan] * num_records for i in range(0, num_records): if not is_null[i]: # TODO: use nanos? column[i] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(millis[i] / 1000.0, ctx_tz) data[col] = column elif t == TTypeId.DECIMAL: column = [numpy.nan] * num_records scale = -schema.cols[col].type.scale if schema.cols[col].type.precision <= 18: if schema.cols[col].type.precision <= 9: values = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.int32) elif schema.cols[col].type.precision <= 18: values = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.int64) for i in range(0, num_records): if not is_null[i]: column[i] = Decimal(int(values[i])).scaleb(scale) else: # These decimals are stored as up to 128 bits with two longs back # to back. This needs to be reconstructed and we want to compute: # v = longs[i*2+1] << 64 + longs[i*2] # This is done carefully to avoid overflow. ctx = Context(schema.cols[col].type.precision) multiple = ctx.power(2, 64) longs = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.int64) for i in range(0, num_records): if is_null[i]: continue v = Decimal(int(longs[i * 2 + 1])) * multiple + longs[i * 2] column[i] = v.scaleb(scale) data[col] = column else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported type: " + TTypeId._VALUES_TO_NAMES[t]) return col_names, data, any_nulls, is_nulls
[docs]def context(application_name=None): """ Gets the top level context object to use pyokera. Parameters ---------- application_name : str, optional Name of this application. Used for logging and diagnostics. Returns ------- OkeraContext Context object. Examples -------- >>> import okera >>> ctx = okera.context() >>> ctx # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <okera.odas.OkeraContext object at 0x...> """ if not application_name: application_name = 'pyokera (%s)' % version() return OkeraContext(application_name)
[docs]def version(): """ Returns version string of this library. """ from . import __version__ return __version__
[docs]class ScanTask(BaseBackgroundTask): def __init__(self, name, ctx, plan_hosts, task, max_records, options): BaseBackgroundTask.__init__(self, "ScanTask.{0}".format(name)) self.ctx = ctx self.plan_hosts = plan_hosts self.task = task self.max_records = max_records self.options = options self.errors = [] def __call__(self): results = [] total = 0 if self.max_records is not None and self.max_records <= 0: return results with self.ctx._connect_worker(self.plan_hosts, None, options=self.options) as worker: try: handle, schema = worker.exec_task(self.task, self.max_records) while True: fetch_result = worker.fetch(handle) assert fetch_result.record_format == TRecordFormat.ColumnarNumPy if fetch_result.num_records: t_results = self.deserialize(schema, fetch_result.columnar_records, fetch_result.num_records) if t_results: results.extend(t_results) total += fetch_result.num_records if fetch_result.done or (self.max_records and total >= self.max_records): break except Exception as ex: self.errors.append(ex) finally: worker.close_task(handle) return results
[docs] def deserialize(self, schema, columnar_records, num_records): '''Abstract definition to deserialize the returned dataset''' raise Exception('Invalid invocation of an abstract function: ' + 'BaseBackgroundTask::deserialize')
[docs]class JsonScanTask(ScanTask): def __init__(self, ctx, plan_hosts, task, max_records): ScanTask.__init__(self, "JsonScanTask", ctx, plan_hosts, task, max_records, None)
[docs] def deserialize(self, schema, columnar_records, num_records): col_names, data, _, is_nulls = _columnar_batch_to_python( schema, columnar_records, num_records, self.ctx.get_timezone()) num_cols = len(col_names) result = [] # Go over each row and construct a python array as a row for r in range(0, num_records): row = [None] * num_cols for c in range(0, num_cols): if not is_nulls[c][r]: datum = data[c][r] row[c] = datum.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(datum, bytes) else datum result.append(dict(zip(col_names, row))) return result
[docs]class PandasScanTask(ScanTask): def __init__(self, ctx, plan_hosts, task, max_records, options, strings_as_utf8): ScanTask.__init__(self, "PandasScanTask", ctx, plan_hosts, task, max_records, options) self.__strings_as_utf8 = strings_as_utf8
[docs] def deserialize(self, schema, columnar_records, num_records): import numpy import pandas result = [] col_names, data, any_nulls, is_nulls = _columnar_batch_to_python( schema, columnar_records, num_records, self.ctx.get_timezone(), self.__strings_as_utf8) df = pandas.DataFrame(OrderedDict(zip(col_names, data))) if len(df): for c in range(0, len(col_names)): if not any_nulls[c] or df[col_names[c]].dtype == 'object': # Either no nulls, or objects are already handled. continue if isinstance(df[col_names[c]][0], str): continue # Fix up nulls, replace with nan # TODO: this is not the cheapest df[col_names[c]] = df[col_names[c]].where(~is_nulls[c], other=numpy.nan) result.append(df) return result
[docs]class OkeraFsStream(): """ Wrapper object which behaves like a stream to send serialized results back in a byte stream based API. The API is intended to be compatible with a urllib stream object. """ def __init__(self, planner, tbl, delimiter=',', quote_strings=True): # TODO: this needs to stream the result instead of all at once self.planner = planner self.tbl = tbl self.status = 200 self.headers = {} = planner.scan_as_pandas( tbl, max_task_count=1,strings_as_utf8=True).to_csv( None, header=False, index=False)
[docs] def read(self, amt): return
Binary = memoryview